Clone Template
TEMPORARY NOTICE: Our Flywheel Bulk Plan is currently maxed out (at time of writing) and we will not be upgrading it until we confirm another client for our Enterprise Hosting option. In the event that there are no more site slots available, you may use the Duplicator plugin to create an Package, then install it on our Liquid Web Dedicated Server account. Please delete all older Duplicator Packages if you create a new one to save on disk space.
This Site Template is hosted on Flywheel WordPress Hosting. We utilize the Best Practice of creating a New Site by using Flywheel’s Site Clone feature to clone this Template to a new site slot. Refer to the the Creating a Site on Flywheel Documentation for details on how to create a Flywheel site slot by cloning this Template.
We use our company domain for development URLs for clients. You can configure your Flywheel site slot to use, for example, then add that subdomain to our Cloudflare Configuration to bring it live. Refer to the Domains & DNS Documentation for details on how to configure DNS to point to Flywheel.
Once the Template is cloned, you can begin development and use this built-in documentation within your new site throughout the site build. You should put the Flywheel site in Development Mode during development to avoid caching issues. Once the build is over and the documentation is not needed, you can delete all of the Documentation Components as per our Deployment Documentation.
Basic Site Settings
Configure all the basic theme settings to get you started:
- Logo, Favicon, Default Accent Colors, Social Media Profile URLs in Divi Theme Options
Configure Post Types
- Refer to Post Types Documentation
Develop Header
- Refer to Layouts Documentation
Develop Footer
- Refer to Layouts Documentation
Develop Home Page
- Refer to Layouts Documentation
- Refer to Page Building Documentation
Develop Content Areas
- Refer to Layouts Documentation
Develop Content Templates
- Refer to Layouts Documentation
Develop Archives
- Refer to Post Type Archives Documentation
Develop Arbitrary Pages
- Refer to Page Building Documentation
Dial In Configurations
Make sure the following items are configured properly before launching the website:
- Form Notifications & Confirmations
- Site Title, Tagline & Admin Email
- Performance Settings & Optimizations
Deploy to Live Server
- Refer to Deployment Documentation
Post-Launch Checklist
- Enable Search Engine Indexing
- Install SSL cert (if applicable – free on Flywheel)
- Disable Flywheel’s Development Mode (if launching on Flywheel)
- Assign clients to their proper User Roles
- Make sure Tracking Snippets are properly configured
- Set up site for Remote Updates