
Tracking Snippet Plugin

Our team utilizes the Tracking Snippet Manager Pro plugin to insert tracking snippets such as Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console & Google AdWords. This plugin allows us to selectively load snippets on different pages/posts, and even has direct WooCommerce integration for tracking AdWords results. This plugin can be used to insert any type of tracking snippet, but be aware that if too many snippets are loaded on a page at once, it may slow down the website page load speed.

For more information on how to use this plugin, visit the Tracking Code Manager Pro Documentation.

Note: This plugin is licensed 25 sites at a time, and the license key that is pre-configured in this Template will need replaced with a new license key once the plugin is being used on 25 sites. A new license can be purchased here. weCreate already has an account, so please contact an administrator to renew this key or purchase another key.

Tracking Services

Our team uses various tracking services for our clients. The process for setting these up typically falls into one of two scenarios:

  1. Client already has the tracking service on their old website – In this case, we will need to have the client share access to this tracking service property with us, then we can log in and generate a tracking snippet.
  2. Client does not utilize the tracking service yet – In this case, we can set up the tracking service property under our weCreate account for a quick time-to-launch, and we can optionally transfer ownership to the client in the future.

Verifying Site Ownership

Most tracking services require you to verify ownership of the website’s domain before you can activate the service. Our SEO plugin has tools to help you do so without modifying the site’s source code. Visit the Yoast SEO settings to do so.

Google Analytics

Our team uses Google Analytics to track website traffic. An Google Analytics snippet can be configured using the Tracking Snippet Manager Pro plugin here.

Google Search Console

Our team uses Google Search Console to track Search Engine Ranking. A Search Console snippet can be configured using the Tracking Snippet Manager Pro plugin here.

Google AdWords

Our team uses Google AdWords for Pay-per-Click Advertisements. A Google AdWords snippet can be configured using the Tracking Snippet Manager Pro plugin here.