Creating & Reusing Divi Global Layouts
You may find that the Divi Page Builder is easier or more feature rich for building certain types of content that you’d like to reuse around the site, such as in Toolset Layouts. In this case, you can create Divi Global Layouts and reuse them around the site.
To create a reusable Global Layout, visit Divi > Divi Library and create a new Layout as you would any page. Choose the Type of Layout you want to create & choose Global if you want it to be reusable.
Note: You can also insert Divi Library items into Pages/Posts when using the Divi Page Builder. Choosing “Global” will result in the content of the Layout being dynamically inserted into the Page and still allow it to be managed in one place from the Divi Library, whereas not choosing “Global” will result in the Layout’s contents simply being copied into the Page, so further, changes to the Layout inside the Divi Library will not affect instances throughout the site.
To insert a Global Layout into a Toolset Visual Editor Cell, for example, use the following shortcode with the Global Layout’s global_module ID: